Sabtu, 10 November 2012


Hello readers, long time no posted.
what's up? =D are you fine? i hope you always fine ..

hmm, talk about FRIENDSHIP what do you think about that?
Do you ever think friendship is where you can feel happiness and life more amazing?
 i think you've thought about that.
Readers, do you have a bestfriends??
i think ofcourse you have, right?.. :")


if you have bestfriends now, i just want to remind you, take good care of that. keeping your friendship.... dont ever broke your friendship, although sometimes you have to apologize  even if you're not wrong, just do that! 

Just believe, Allah always by your side.. he knows all thing that you dont know.

Some people are selfish , so they just regret after all....
If you just thingking about your self, your pride, etc, you'll regret at all..
you will very sad if you lost your bestfriends..
you'll feel no one care about you anymore :")

There is a people that was did all things i told above, but finally, she just lost her bestfriends although she was did all. beginning, she feel very dropt, sad, and got stressed... she just do all things alone by herself...
she just share her feelings to her notesdiary, and crying alone when she have problem..
that's so hurt ya?
but, after awhile, she begin get up, cheer up, and find more spiritfor her life.
She was realized all things that happened to her is just test from god, how much she have a patient, and how much she have spirit to be rise again..
She is believing, someday she'll found who the real friend is..
She just tired to be someone else who loved by her bestfriends..
She just love the live she life...

 Just wait the time come, when you can get many bestfriends who really know and CARE ABOUT YOU..
don't worry o:) although you dont have REAL bestfriends, you have MANY FRIENDS..
they are more valuable than your FAKE BESTFRIENDS :)

maybe today you feel ALONE because you think no one loves and care about you, but the truth is, you have not realized that you HAVE MANY PERSON WHO REALLY LOVING YOU JUST THE WAY YOU ARE ;)

and the conclusion is...

just the way you are, never think you are alone, keep spirit and believe......
set aside your ego..
and never give up at all :)
-storm definitely passed_
after the rain, just prepare yourself to see beautiful rainbow ... and you will realize how beautifull your life

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